II. Game Controls

The demo comes with two sets of game control definitions. When the official game comes out, you will be able to fully customize your keysets, input devices (joysticks, rudders, etc), but for now, you'll only be able to load one of these two sets.

The current sets are described below. The demo defaults to the "Mouse and Keyboard" set. In order to change which set you are using, hit ESCAPE at any time between starting the game and launching into a mission. This brings up an ESCAPE OPTIONS MENU. Choose CONTROL CONFIGS and then LOAD. You can then select between the two definition files. Accept the choice you make and then begin playing.

Only three configurations are detailed below. Others are available to load. To examine them, go to the CONTROL CONFIGS section, load the appropriate control set and examine the options by switching between the category groups.

Of course, you'll need to calibrate and set up any joystick you choose on your own in Windows' Control Panel Game Controllers.

Quitting the Game

Regardless of your input device settings, hitting F4 will always quit the sim and return you to the shell. (ALT-F4 will quit the application entirely and return you to the desktop.)

Killing Yourself

Sometimes life is just too hard and you need to end it all. <g> Here's how you do it:

a) Hit "`" to bring up the console display window.

b) Type "KILL" and hit enter

c) That's it. You're dead. Enjoy the afterlife.


Control Sets

1. Mouse and Keyboard (default)

2. Action

3. Joystick and Keyboard

4. Palex's Favorite

5. Grey Hawk's Favorite

6. Advanced


HUD Damage Codes